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Gomes Gallery
A.C.GomesestablishedtheveryfirstphotostudioinZanzibar,in1868.HehadabriefpartnershipwithMr.J.B. Coutinhointhe1890s.HissonP.F.GomescontinuedthefamilybusinessinZanzibarformanyyears.P.F.Gomes died in 1932. Over those years both photo artists have left us with some marvelous images.
A bit of family history can been seen in the way the elder Gomes labeled his photos. His earliest work is marked Gomes and Company. Then in a few years we see the label Gomes and Son. Finally we see the label Gomes and Sons.Below is a rare image of A. C. Gomes and P. F. Gomes and the logos they used.